July 22, 2012

Congratulations, Marshall!

Many readers who did their undergraduate degrees at U of T will have been taught by Marshall Chasin. He has taught Acoustic Phonetics (LIN323H) many times now - this fall will be the 21st time! We honoured him in fall 2011 at the 20 year mark, and are glad that he wants to continue. Marshall sends other news of what is going on in his life. He is getting married in June 2013. Also, he will receive the 2012 Governor General's Silver Jubilee Award for his volunteer work with the National Youth Orchestra. Congratulations on all of this, Marshall!

July 10, 2012

Congratulations, Dr. Oda!

Last week Kenji Oda successfully defended his thesis entitled "Issues in the Left Periphery of Modern Irish". His co-supervisor Elizabeth Cowper hosted an Irish-themed party in his honour, which brought together Irish friends, Japanese friends, and numerous linguists.

Kenji's formal wear

                                          Elizabeth Cowper and Alex Motut                       Eugenia Suh and Joanna Chociej

Above left: Kenji's newest prized possession - a gift from the graduate students.
   Above right: Kenji with his committee (L to R: Daphna Heller, Michela Ippolito, Jim McCloskey (UCSC), Elizabeth Cowper, Kenji Oda, Arsalan Kahnemuyipour, and Alana Johns (missing: Diane Massam))

 Maith thú, a Khenji! 

  Photo credits: Radu Craioveanu, Kenji Oda, and Eugenia Suh