The 2018 meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association was recently held at the University of Regina. The list of UofT representatives is long, but pictures follow!
Alana Johns (emerita): Suliatsalunik: Lots of work to do
(plenary talk)
Arsalan Kahnemuyipour (faculty) & Mansour Shabani (University of Guilan): Resumption in Gilaki possessor split
Jean-François Juneau (PhD): On the mi-/mo- preverbs in ditransitive Georgian verbs
Daniel Currie Hall (PhD 2007, now at St. Mary’s) & Avery Ozburn (MA 2014, now at UBC): The representation of phonological contrast in Uyghur vowel harmony
Suzi Lima (faculty) & Adriana Leitão Martins (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro): Aspectual information impacts the countability of deverbal nouns in Brazilian Portuguese
Angelika Kiss (PhD): Attributing illocutionary acts in Spanish by the tag question ¿no?
Karoline Antonsen (undergraduate) & Romina Farhang (undergraduate): The effect of PP type on recursive modifications in monolingual English children
Kazuya Bamba (PhD): Person constraint and sentence-final particles in Japanese
Suzi Lima (faculty), Alice Jesus (Lisboa), Rui Marques (Lisboa) & Ana Lúcia Santos (Lisboa): Constraints on the use of subjunctive in Brazilian Portuguese: A production study
Majed Al-Solami (PhD): Vowel elision, stress and dialect contact in Bedouin dialects
Michelle Troberg (UTM), Meena Ahmad (UTM undergraduate) & Maya Krol (UTM undergraduate): Change and loss of P-elements: A case study of fors and hors in the history of French
Susana Béjar (faculty) & Arsalan Kahnemuyipour (faculty): When intensional subjects control agreement
Julie Goncharov (PhD 2015, now at Hebrew University of Jerusalem) & Monica Irimia (PhD 2011, now at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia): The imperfect puzzle
Bettina Spreng (PhD 2012, now at Saskatchewan): Finiteness, tense, and feature inheritance in Inuktitut
Bronwyn M. Bjorkman (former post-doc, now at Queen’s): Pronominal tense and anaphora: Evidence from sequence of tense
Neil Banerjee (BA 2016, now at MIT): Fishing for CARP in Kinyarwanda
Laura Kastronic (UofT French), Stephen Levey (Ottawa) & Mélissa Chiasson-Léger (Ottawa): Sisters under the skin?: Discourse-pragmatic variation and change in three varieties of French
Jila Ghomeshi (PhD 1996, now at Manitoba) & Tasheney Francis Holness (Manitoba): Additive and associative plural marking in Jamiekan
Susana Béjar (faculty), Diane Massam (emerita), Ana Teresa Pérez-Leroux (faculty) & Yves Roberge (UofT French): Syntactic recursion: Theory and acquisition
Will Oxford (PhD 2014, now at Manitoba): What’s the inverse of an inverse? Transitive constructions in Algonquian and Austronesian
Richard Compton (PhD 2012, now at UQAM): Inuit φ-markers as the exponence of agree: Evidence from granularity, default forms
Leslie Saxon (MA 1979, now at Victoria): Ne, discourse particle in T li˛cho˛: Speaker commitments, common ground, and calls on the addressee
The conference venue, First Nations University of Canada, under stormy skies. |
Romina Farhang and Karoline Antonsen, Undergraduate students, with their poster, along with Yves Roberge and Diane Massam, who are also on the research team led by Ana-Teresa Perez-Leroux. |
Alana Johns (centre), recipient of the CLA/ACL 2018 National Achievement Award, along with her past students, Richard Compton (Ph.D. 2012, currently at UQAM, and Bettina Spreng, Ph.D. 2012, currently at University of Saskatchewan). |
Jila Ghomeshi (Ph.D. 1996, currently at University of Manitoba), Elizabeth Ritter (Post-doc 1991, currently at University of Calgary), Ileana Paul (University of Western Ontario), and faculty members, Diane Massam and Elizabeth Cowper, at the President’s Reception. |
Kaz Bamba, Ph.D. student, with his poster. |