July 11, 2024

Language Research Day - BAM!

On Monday, June 3rd, the University of Toronto hosted Language Research Day (LRD), a student-led academic conference designed to facilitate interaction and learning among graduate students in the field of language research. 

Spanning campuses, languages, and levels of inquiry, this hybrid conference hosted over 100 in-person and virtual attendees.

Professor and Linguistics Department Chair Naomi Nagy gave the opening keynote, (Heritage) Russian case-marking: Variation and paths of change.

Dr. Craig Chambers, a joint PhD in Cognitive Science and Linguistics, gave the closing keynote, Where and how does nonlinguistic cognition fit into language abilities? This presentation was drawn from a cross-sectional study on real-time language processing, and aids in the complete understanding of the "mental architecture supporting language abilities across the human lifespan."

One other Linguistics Dept member presented: PhD student Nick Haggarty, who was featured in June's spotlight on Queer Linguistics.

Other University of Toronto departments in attendance included Speech Language Pathology, Psychology, and Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations, making up a participation as diverse as the languages discussed at the conference. 

The Linguistics Department, in part responsible for funding the event, was also represented by Pedro Mateo Pedro, as well as Angelika Kiss, who helped organize, and recently defended her PhD thesis (to be covered on the blog soon)!

To see more information, check out BAM's Instagram page or the #LRD2024.

We look forward to seeing the development of this exciting event in 2025!

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