July 26, 2024

Sali Tagliamonte's CRC Grant is Renewed!

Sali Tagliamonte is one of Spring 2024's recipient of a Canada Research Chair (CRC) Grant renewal!

The renewal of this grant, which was confirmed earlier in June, awards $200,000 annually for 7 years to the University College linguist. 

For more information, see https://www.utoronto.ca/celebrates/14-u-t-researchers-awarded-new-or-renewed-canada-research-chairs or check out the relevant accounts: @salitag, or @theucprincipal, as well as:

X: @UC_UofT

Instagram: @uc_uoft; @theucprincipal

YouTube: @UC_UofT

Facebook: @universitycollegetoronto

Congratulations once more to Sali, and best of luck in the future!

July 23, 2024

Naomi Nagy, Linguistics Chair, Publishes Book about Heritage Language Variation and Change!

book cover
On June 27th, 2024, Department of Linguistics Chair, Naomi Nagy, published her book, Heritage Languages: Extending variationist approaches. [Click link to purchase :-)]. Stay tuned for a book lauch announcement in September.

In Canada, the term, "heritage language" refers to a language learned in the home by children, if that language is not one of Canada's official languages (French, English). Half the people in Toronto are heritage-language speakers!

This book seeks to dispel stigma surrounding the use of one's heritage language by investigating cross-generational variation and change in conversations with 400+ speakers, in 8 different heritage languages, in Toronto. The findings reveal many similarities between heritage and homeland varieties.

"Introduc[ing] new methodology to help readers understand and apply variationist sociolinguistic approaches to quantitatively analyze spontaneous speech," this novel approach to heritage language research showcases how change in grammar of heritage languages resembles change patterns seen hegemonic, majority languages, contradicting findings of "simplification/attrition patterns in experimental heritage language studies." [quoted from the publicity blurbs]

Comparing patterns not only across languages, but across generations, this research quotes heritage speakers to give voice and pride to the use of their languages. 

Nagy presented some of this research at BAM's Language Research Day, as her talk on Heritage Language Variation and Change (HLVC), which we covered on the blog earlier in July. Other findings are on the project's webpage.

This book promises to be a veritable toolbox for those interested in learning about or researching heritage languages, dedicated to language revitalization.

Currently, the Department Chair is in Italy conducting research also relevant to this pursuit - about the variation in Franco-Provencal language varieties over time and space, and how to connect speakers of different varieties via social media.


The author reports that this book was much more fun to write than her dissertation!

July 21, 2024

Greg Antono Successfully Defends Thesis Proposal!

In the early hours of Monday, July 15th, 2024, Greg Antono presented his thesis proposal - Topics in Mandarin referring expressions - to a committee consisting of Michela Ippolito, Craig Chambers, and his supervisor, Daphna Heller.

Seeing an impressive attendance of UofT linguistics, and a successful defense, this presentation was a huge accomplishment for Antono.

The Department of Linguistics congratulates him, and looks forward to celebrating a successful thesis defense soon!

July 19, 2024

PhD Candidate Angelika Kiss Successfully Completes Thesis Defense - Congratulations, Doctor!

On Thursday, June 20th, 2024, Angelika Kiss of the Department of Linguistics completed her last step toward officially becoming Dr. Kiss! Congratulations!

Completing her thesis defense of Form-meaning relations in non-canonical questions, Dr. Kiss impressed her committee consisting of Professors Guillaume Thomas, Laura Colantoni, and Keir Moulton, as well as her supervisor, Professor Michela Ippolito. Also in attendance at the defense was Fatima Hamlaoui, who performed internal/external reviews.

Dr. Kiss' Thesis Defense Reception, featuring Guillaume Thomas, Fatima Hamlaoui, Michela Ippolito, Angelika Kiss, Hans-Martin Gaertner, Keir Moulton (L-R)

Dr. Michela Ippolito and Dr. Angelika Kiss

The Department of Linguistics congratulate her on the successful completion of her dissertation, and are excited to see her future works.

July 17, 2024

Our Newest Alumni: Linguistics PhDs at Convocation

Announcing the newest PhDs from the Department of Linguistics! They were conferred their degrees at convocation on June 5th.

Sahar Taghipour: Case and Phi-agreement in Laki: Parametrizing split-ergativity in Kurdish

Sahar with her supervisor, Professor Arsalan Kahnemuyipour.

Andrei Munteanu: Probabilistic Evaluation of Comparative Reconstructions 

Kiranpreet Nara: An acoustic study of Punjabi tones and an investigation of ongoing tonal changes

The Graduate Office congratulates and welcomes their newest alumni into this exciting next chapter of their journeys. 

July 15, 2024

Arcadian Greek vs. Standard Greek: Dr. Photini Coutsougera Publishes A Dictionary with the Answers

From Dr. Coutsougera: 

Dr. Photini Coutsougera of Mississauga Campus' Language Studies Department has recently published a new book, A Dictionary of Northeastern Arcadian Greek [in Greek] with Patakis Publications, Athens, Greece (2024)/ 320 pages. 

A Look Inside: Letter Î‘α, p. 66

The Dictionary of Northeastern Arcadian Greek comprises 4.200 entries and 5.120 senses. These entries were primarily collected during field work, over a period of approximately thirteen years, and from existing written sources. 

Subsequently, they were verified one by one  by a group of native speakers of the dialect, aged 80 and over. Each entry contains semantic, phonological, morphological, syntactic and stylistic information. It also contains a plethora of authentic examples in use, synonyms, antonyms, idioms and idiomatic phrases, proverbs, sayings, and verses from local folk poetry. Finally, a 28-page Prologue includes a compact grammar of the dialect, lays out the research methodology employed in the data collection, and defines Arcadian Greek on the basis of linguistic criteria which systematically differentiate it from Standard Greek. 

This book aspires to bring the Peloponnesian varieties of Greek to the fore as they have been conspicuously absent from the literature.


July 11, 2024

Language Research Day - BAM!

On Monday, June 3rd, the University of Toronto hosted Language Research Day (LRD), a student-led academic conference designed to facilitate interaction and learning among graduate students in the field of language research. 

Spanning campuses, languages, and levels of inquiry, this hybrid conference hosted over 100 in-person and virtual attendees.

Professor and Linguistics Department Chair Naomi Nagy gave the opening keynote, (Heritage) Russian case-marking: Variation and paths of change.

Dr. Craig Chambers, a joint PhD in Cognitive Science and Linguistics, gave the closing keynote, Where and how does nonlinguistic cognition fit into language abilities? This presentation was drawn from a cross-sectional study on real-time language processing, and aids in the complete understanding of the "mental architecture supporting language abilities across the human lifespan."

One other Linguistics Dept member presented: PhD student Nick Haggarty, who was featured in June's spotlight on Queer Linguistics.

Other University of Toronto departments in attendance included Speech Language Pathology, Psychology, and Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations, making up a participation as diverse as the languages discussed at the conference. 

The Linguistics Department, in part responsible for funding the event, was also represented by Pedro Mateo Pedro, as well as Angelika Kiss, who helped organize, and recently defended her PhD thesis (to be covered on the blog soon)!

To see more information, check out BAM's Instagram page or the #LRD2024.

We look forward to seeing the development of this exciting event in 2025!

July 7, 2024

Goodbye Old Year, and Hello, Summer!

On April 30, the Department celebrated the end of year with games and snacks, letting the 2023-2024 academic year out with a bang. 

Best of wishes for the summer, and see you all in September!

July 4, 2024

2023-2024 Cowper and Dresher Prizes - Congratulations Calvin and Yanfei!

Named after two emeriti professors in Linguistics Department, Elizabeth Cowper and Elan Dresher, the Cowper and Dresher Prizes are distinguished awards for graduate students of Linguistics. 

The 2023-2024 winners were announced earlier in June 2024.

Calvin Quick, a PhD student interested in Mediaeval Welsh poetry, won the Cowper Prize for his papers “Tense and finiteness in embedded bod-clauses” and “Problematizing Linear Approaches to Modifier-Head Adjacency Restrictions.”

For her paper, “An OT Analysis of Stress Patterns of Oneida (Iroquoian)” Yanfei Lu was awarded the Dresher Prize, a recognition of University College students' academic success.

Yanfei Lu, winner of the
Dresher Prize.

We are so proud of both the students, congratulations!

July 2, 2024

Tri-Agency Confirms Increased Funding for CIHR, NSERC, and SSHRC Awards!

Earlier in June, Tri-Agency confirmed that, effective September 1st, 2024, the Government of Canada will be increasing award values for students and postgraduate researchers, including new and current award holders.

Advocating for "fairness for every generation," and a commitment to researchers of the future, this increase in budget is funded by Canada’s federal granting agencies, including CIHR, (Canadian Institutes of Health Research) NSERC, (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) and SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada).

The value of master's scholarships will be increased to $27,000/year, while those for doctoral students will jump to $40,000/year. Current and new postdoctoral fellowships will increase to $70,000.

Students holding an SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship are also included in this increase, totaling $40,000/year. 

Programs not affected by this increase include Vanier and Banting, worth $50,000 and $70,000 respectively.

More goals expected to be met by this budget increase can be found on the Budget Canada website.

To apply for any of these incredibly exciting awards, see the list below:

  • CIHR Health Research Training Award Programs
  • NSERC Students and Fellows
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

  • At the Linguistics Department blog, we strongly encourage any and all interested and qualifying parties to apply for these awards, especially after these recent increases, and we look forward to writing many posts documenting your success.

    June 27, 2024

    Hello, Phoebe Chiu! Goodbye and Thank you, Mary Hsu!

    Hello, Phoebe Chiu! Goodbye and Thank you, Mary Hsu!

    We are delighted to welcome our new Business Officer, Phoebe Chiu, who comes to us from Innis College. She's a UofT alum and has worked in an impressive range of UofT offices.

    Stop in and say hi to Phoebe on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 

    Mary retires June 27, after 24 years in our Department.

    We are all immensely grateful to Mary and will miss her quiet wisdom, efficient ways, and friendly smile. 

    Please see more here: https://xsynsem.wixsite.com/thankyoumary 

    What does a Business Officer do, you might wonder? Here's just a few of the things:

    And, here's a picture of Mary, whom we all know and love!

    June 25, 2024

    Tahohtharátye Joe Brant Completes Dissertation at the University of Victoria

    Congratulations Tahohtharátye Joe Brant!

    He has earned a PhD from the University of Victoria, completing his dissertation, Tó: nya'teká:yen tsi Entewà:ronke', in Language Revitalization and Change, available at the University of Victoria website

    Tahohtharátye is cross-appointed in the Centre for Indigenous Studies, and we are proud to have him on our faculty.

    Learn more about him here, and read about his work at WSCLAon the WHITL blog.

    Congratulations once more!

    June 24, 2024

    UTM Faculty Dr. Samantha Jackson and Derek Denis Publish their Research into Accent-Based Biases in the GTA

    Postdoctoral Fellow of Language Studies at UTM, Dr. Samantha Jackson, and Associate Professor of Linguistics, Derek Denis, have recently published their work titled What I say, or how I say it? Ethnic accents and hiring evaluations in the Greater Toronto Area.

    Jackson’s work, focusing on sociolinguistics, investigates how immigrants to Canada speaking with an identifiably non-Canadian accent are perceived by prospective employers. She investigates strategies to reduce such workplace discrimination and target other societal problems. 

    Denis' interests follow variationist sociolinguistics (language change), and how human language faculty allows for variation both within the individual’s grammar and the larger context of the society in which it exists.

    During their study, they recorded 12 women giving scripted 6 answers to interview questions, (3 good, 3 bad) and asked Human Resources students at universities and colleges in the GTA to rank the content of responses, as well as the employability of each voice. They were also asked to determine for which, if any, job interview to recommend these individuals. 

    Jackson and Denis analyzed the results using conditional inference tree modeling and random forest analysis.

    They found that the accent heard by participants affected their ratings of all these scripted responses, viewing Canadian accents as superior to those of non-Canadians – specifically, the most disadvantaged being Chinese, Nigerian, and German accents. These were least likely to be recommended for customer-facing and, importantly, higher-ranking jobs. 

    Presented at online conferences in 2021 and 2022, in Germany and in Vancouver, a full thematic analysis of comments from the full study’s sample will be presented in June at the CLA (Canadian Linguistics Association) Conference, held in Ottawa. Watch out for WHITL’s coverage of that event, coming soon. 

    As for this publication, major recommendations from the report include (1) adding language to the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s grounds for discrimination, among others, which can be found in their full published work. It will also be available in the June issue of Language

    Though linguistic protection is an idea covered in sections 15 (Equality Rights), and 23 (Minority language and educational rights) of the Canadian Charter, Jackson and Denis’ work puts a spotlight on the need for specific and targeted legislation to protect Canadians with non-Canadian accents in the workplace.

    Real change in public policy and legislation which emerges from projects like these are some of the most exciting moments we get to watch as they evolve. Looking forward to seeing this work at the CLA Conference in June.

    An important p.s.: Dr. Jackson will join the UofT Department of Linguistics in January 2025. We can't wait!

    June 21, 2024

    Elaine Gold Receives the Governor General's Meritorious Service Award

    Director Elaine Gold at Glendon Hall
    Elaine Gold, retired from the Linguistics Department, and head of the Canadian Language Museum (CLM) has been awarded the Governor-General's Meritorious Service Award. Congratulations!!

    The co-Chair of the International Network of Language Museums has seen her museum's exhibits touring across the world, including and especially those pertaining to Indigenous languages. 

    Director Gold's star-studded career since retirement from our Department includes speaking about Canadian Indigenous Language policies at the Austronesian Languages Revitalization Forum in Taipei, September 2023.

    She and the CLM are now collaborating with the Indigenous Languages Research Foundation to translate their booklet, Indigenous Languages in Canada, into Mandarin. 

    The CLM also hosted the art exhibit Anthem: Expressions of Canadian Identity during the fall, which will be presented from May to September at the Canadian Embassy's Prince Takamado Gallery in Tokyo. On June 20th, she, her team, and four artists, will attend the exhibition's reception. 

    Director Gold giving her presentation in Taipei, September 2023.

    Currently on display in the CLM is "Toronto Voices," an exhibit created as part of community outreach, exploring and detailing the identity of young Torontonians through their vocabulary in collaboration with The Spot, a drop-in center in the Jane-Finch area. 

    This recognition of Gold's tireless devotion to languages of Canada, and especially of Toronto, is a fantastic credit to her work in both national and international linguistic communities.

    We are so inspired by Gold's impact on reconciliation and language revitalization, especially in the field of Indigenous languages and cultures.

    June 19, 2024

    Professor Reynolds and the Controversy of More/Less: Paper Accepted at Journal of Linguistics

    In May 2024, Adjunct Professor Brett Reynolds published his paper "Why more and less are never adverbs" in the Journal of Linguistics, arguing that the analysis of semantic information is useful for making categorical decisions about words and their meanings. 

    This interesting work is somewhat of a discovery in the field of categorization. If we had all been agreed that timber wolves and grey wolves were distinct species, for example, Reynolds in his own words has come out with data which suggests that these are actually the same type of wolf living in different territories!

    To read Reynolds' succinct twitter thread explaining the phenomenon, check out his Twitter: @brettrey3.

    Figure 5of Reynolds' publication,
    a k-means grouping between adjectives
    and determinatives (pg. 26)
    To summarize, words function differently according to context: the words "more" and "less" are categorized in most dictionaries as adverbs, as they can modify adjectives or adverbs, such as in the phrase "more/less quickly." However, they can also determine nouns, and in sentences such as "more/less food" are called determinatives.

    Determinatives, (Ds) thus, don't just determine nouns, but they can also modify Advs. 

    So why are "more" and "less" special? 

    The Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language, (CGEL) refers to these two words as adverbs because they perform the same linguistic function as the comparative -er and superlative -est in ways that "much" and "little" don't. 

    Reynolds disputes this distinction - you can't have "much massive," but you can have "much [and more] different." 

    He suggests that you get overlaps that don't follow rigid rules because of semantic scales, and not because "much" and "more" are categorically different. 

    Adjectives "prefer" different modifiers according to semantic rules such as size, similarity, and improvement.

    Analyzing different adjectives and their modifiers in a corpus, Reynolds noticed an "almost perfect" split between more-adjectives (blue), much-adjectives (red), and adjectives that are more ambivalent (green).

    Thus, Reynolds says that the "most thorough and consistent grammar of English," the CGEL, is only "mostly right" in their categorization of Adjs. and Ds. 

    Determinatives shouldn't be listed twice, once with adverbs, and again with other Ds: rather, words like "more" and "less" are never adverbs. 

    Stay tuned to see what changes come out of this publication, and weigh in with your own two cents!

    June 17, 2024

    UofT at the 37th Annual Human Sentence Processing Conference

    The University of Michigan’s Linguistics Department hosted the 37th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing, held at Ann Arbor May 16th-18th. A full list of UofT participants can be found below.

    UofT Linguistics presenters gave talks at this exciting conference, including Tiana Simovic of the Department of Psychology, her supervisor Dr. Craig Chambers, focusing on Psycholinguistics and Cognitive Science, and Wesley Orth, a Postdoctoral Fellow who completed his PhD at Northwestern University.

    That presentation by Simovic and Chambers looked at how pragmatics (mental state reasoning) is involved in pronoun resolution, a relatively unexplored field.

    At HSP 2023, they explored "how reasoning is involved in language processing." 

    Orth's talk at the conference was a collaborative effort in relative clauses in Hungarian, a relatively understudied language. Unique properties of its structure allowed Orth and co. to test new hypotheses, testing variants which read to different reading behaviours, offering insights into the role of memory and prediction in processing. Their work will have an impact on tools for investigating such understudied languages.

    Some posters from our UofT linguists included Dave Kush's poster on Active expectation in the processing of Urdu and Hindi correlative structures, in collaboration with Urwa Ali, Sanvi Dubey, Ishita Kumar, and Hayah Siddiqui. 

    Their work developed a variant of the "violated expectation paradigm," used in work on expectations and prediction. Hypothesizing surprise if readers were presented with something other than a demonstrative pronoun at the start of a sentence after seeing a correlative, they measured reading time to gauge "surprise" in readers presented with a name at the start of a second sentence instead of a pronoun. Indeed, they found this surprise value. 

    Future work will clarify whether these results show prediction of a pronoun as a subject of the next clause, or the pronoun as the first thing in the sentence - a challenging task due to Urdu and Hindi's flexible word order. 

    Other posters included Ivan Bondoc’s on the subject relative clause advantage in Tagalog; Negative disjunctive sentences in child and adult Romanian: A preference for strong interpretations, co-authored by Lyn Tieu, assistant Professor in the French Department; and a poster on children’s interpretation of the hotly-debated ambiguous singular “they” by Anissa Baird, Nicole Hupalo, Mahnoor Khurram, and Emily Atkinson.

    Notable alums presenting at the conference include Ailís Cournane, who earned her Master of Arts and PhD in Linguistics from the University of Toronto, and who now leads the Child Language Lab at New York University.

    The Linguistics Department was proud to see so many of our own linguists forging new paths in their fields, and can't wait for HSP Conference #38!

    Presentations and talks by UofT Linguists:


    Tiana Simovic and Craig Chambers: Pronoun Interpretation Highlights the Robustness of Social Perspective Reasoning

    Sonny Wang and Craig ChambersThe Trait-Like Nature of Bridging and Instrument Inferences in Younger and Older Adults: An Individual Differences Study

    Wesley Orth, Dávid Nemeskey, and Eszter Ronai: Hungarian relative clause processing: Diverging Results in L-maze and A-Maze

    Posters by current UofT linguists:

    Urwa Ali, Sanvi Dubey, Ishita Kumar, Hayah Siddiqui, Dave Kush: Active expectations in processing Urdu and Hindi correlative structures

    Adina Camelia Bleotu, Lyn Tieu, Mara Panaitescu, Gabriela Bîlbîie, Anton Benz, Andreea Nicolae: Negative disjunctive sentences in child and adult Romanian: A preference for strong interpretations

    Ivan Bondoc, Dave Kush: Animacy does not modulate the subject relative clause advantage in Tagalog

    Anissa Baird, Nicole Hupalo, Mahnoor Khurram, Emily Atkinson: Children’s Interpretation of Ambiguous Singular "They"

    Presentations by UofT Linguistics Alum: 

    Maxime Tulling, Vishal Arvindam, Ailís Cournane: Maybe now, not later: online processing of possibility and negation in adults and 2-year-olds

    June 14, 2024

    Linguistics Spotlight: Nicholas Haggarty in the Field of Queer Linguistics

    Some French words like, “quatre” (four) and “table,” have over time evolved to sound more like “quat-” or “tabl-,” as speakers “dop” that final segment. 

    Seems minor, right?

    In 17th-century France, popular opinion held that people who pronounced words without that final segment were “peasants,” “uneducated.”

    Sociolinguists often track such idiosyncrasies and their evolving meanings over time to get an understanding of the impact of language on culture. One such individual is Nicholas Haggarty (they/he), who studied historical perceptions of social class of people who spoke French with that particular identifier.

    They made an interesting claim in response: it’s not a social class phenomenon or an indicator of education level, but rather, an identifier of Quebec and Montréal French.

    Haggarty just finished their first year as a PhD student studying Sociolinguistics and Queer Linguistics with a background in both French and English. Having assisted on Professor Yoonjung Kang’s “Speech Rate Effects in French Stop Voicing Production and Perception,” Haggarty looks back on their works as constantly striving for an understanding of why people make the sounds they do, and why those sounds are perceived in the ways they are. 

    Their Master’s thesis studied the stereotypical “gay” voice, and whether there was a science-backed explanation for the phenomenon so commonly referred to in the media. Haggarty examined pitch and tone in a series of archived interviews with queer men of the 80s.

    An inspiring individual who views their research as advocacy rooted in education, Haggarty’s work focuses on the stories we tell through not only our language, but the clues revealed by the linguistic forms we use. 

    What is queer linguistics?

    Haggarty describes queer linguistics as relevant today due to societal interests in staying the hetero-normative course. To them, the field brings the queer community into the linguistics field, identifying elements of queerness and queer performance to define how people use language to root themselves in their identity. 

    An intersecting interest therein, Critical Discourse Analysis investigates parts of speech and what it means when we use them. For example, when we use Internet-slang or community-specific vernacular, are we showing relation or connection to ourselves or our community?

    Haggarty’s magnum opus to date is their PhD, using a corpus of interviews with queer individuals in the Toronto area. He will study their oral histories to get an understanding of language that goes beyond phonetic analysis, including the various ways they perceive authenticity in their identity. 

    The best part about this? The resource will be public. 

    An unprecedented act of agency and advocacy, this database of oral histories of queer people in Canada is a way of teaching people how queerness is perceived in our corner of North America, and whether the lessons they teach us line up with research done in places like the United States. If not, perhaps there is something to be said about breaking down pervasive stereotypes.

    As Haggarty says, “everything we do is a performance,” and their work in the field of queer linguistics seeks to decode its meanings and values. 

    To all those interested in the emerging field of queer linguistics, and to everyone else who values education and understanding above all else, keep an eye out for this exciting development in Haggarty’s work.

    We all have something to learn by listening to each other’s stories and taking them on their own terms.