June 27, 2024

Hello, Phoebe Chiu! Goodbye and Thank you, Mary Hsu!

Hello, Phoebe Chiu! Goodbye and Thank you, Mary Hsu!

We are delighted to welcome our new Business Officer, Phoebe Chiu, who comes to us from Innis College. She's a UofT alum and has worked in an impressive range of UofT offices.

Stop in and say hi to Phoebe on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 

Mary retires June 27, after 24 years in our Department.

We are all immensely grateful to Mary and will miss her quiet wisdom, efficient ways, and friendly smile. 

Please see more here: https://xsynsem.wixsite.com/thankyoumary 

What does a Business Officer do, you might wonder? Here's just a few of the things:

And, here's a picture of Mary, whom we all know and love!

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