March 10, 2017

Canada 150 "From Quaint to Cool" pictures

The Department of Linguistics is hosting three events in celebration of Canada's Sesquicentennial, the 150th anniversary of Canadian Confederation this year in 2017. The first, "From Quaint to Cool: 150 years of Language Change in Toronto", was held on March 3rd. Here are some pictures!

Jack Chambers (faculty)

Katharina Pabst (Ph.D.), Sali Tagliamonte (faculty), Laura Rupp (visiting scholar), in front of the Canadian Language Museum exhibit on Canadian 'eh'

Erin Brassel Ubertelli (M.A. 2012) (and her son), and Jack Chambers (faculty)
Alex D'Arcy (Ph.D. 2005, now at the University of Victoria), Emily Blamire (Ph.D.), and Marisa Brook (Ph.D. 2016, now at Michigan State University), by the Canadian Language Museum exhibit

An audience!
Katharina Pabst (Ph.D.), Diane Massam (faculty), by the Canadian Language Museum exhibit
Sali Tagliamonte (faculty)
Lex Konnelly (Ph.D.), Sarah Loriato (visiting student from the University of Bergamo, Italy), Kinza Mahoon (M.A.), Cater Chen (M.A.)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I missed it - I would have loved to have been there. I'm sure it was a wonderful day. Nice to see Jack looking so good! Please give him my greetings. Carol Sherk Blake (MA 1982)
