Manitoba Workshop on Person is being held on September 22 and 23 (2017) at the University of Manitoba. Invited speakers from our department:
Susana Bejar (faculty): Ineffable person in copular complements
Bronwyn Bjorkman (former post-doc, now at Queen's), Elizabeth Cowper (faculty), Daniel Currie Hall (PhD 2007, now at Saint Mary's University), and Andrew Peters (PhD): Person and deixis in Heiltsuk pronouns
Michelle Yuan (MA 2013, now at MIT): Plural person and associativity (in Inuktitut)
Diane Massam (faculty): Person and null pronouns
And other presentations from our department:
Tomohiro Yokoyama (PhD): The Person Case Constraint: Repairing the notion of “repair”
Lex Konnelly (PhD) and Elizabeth Cowper (faculty): The future is they: The feature geometry of non-binary gender
Richard Compton (PhD 2012, now at UQAM): Inuktitut PCC revisited
Will Oxford (PhD 2014, now at University of Manitoba): Person and the Algonquian inverse