December 31, 2024

Farewell WHITL

After 15 years of activity, the Toronto Linguistics Blog is retiring. Our first post was published on November 16th, 2009, and our last on December 31st, 2024. Almost 1800 posts and 700,000 views later, WHITL? is closing its doors, as all good things must come to an end. What a journey it's been!

While WHITL? itself is retiring, the website will remain public as an archive of 15 years of department history, and new blog posts will be uploaded to the department website. This is not the end of the blog, but rather the beginning of a new chapter on a new platform. 

Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, and supported WHITL? over the years. On behalf of the Linguistics Department and blog writers, your continued support and presence is greatly appreciated. We hope to see your engagement continue as we transition to the department website in 2025!

Happy New Year and farewell from your final WHITL? writer!

RIP Bob Bayley

RIP Bob Bayley

Robert Bayley Portrait 

We are so sad to learn that Dr. Robert Bayley, Professor Emeritus of Linguistics, UC Davis, and an associate member of the Centre for Research on Language Contact at York University in Toronto, died this week (Dec. 29, 2024). 

He made many important contributions in documenting language variation, particularly in bilingual and second language populations, including co-editing The Oxford Handbook of Sociolinguistics.

Many of his will remember him for a visit to our Department in 2022 as part of our department's UTQAP review. As always, he was generous with his time and knowledge.

He will be deeply missed.  Tributes are collecting here: Feel free to add yours!

December 27, 2024

Department field trip to Niagara: My Fair Lady at the Shaw Festival

Earlier this fall, the Department of Linguistics invited faculty members and graduate students to watch My Fair Lady at the Shaw Festival at Niagara-on-the-Lake. 

The musical is about a phonetics professor and language documenter, and discusses implicit bias in language. 

Thank you everyone for coming!

December 24, 2024

Grad Writing Day

Group smiles for a job well done (or well on the way)

On Friday, Dec 13, 2024, graduate students rallied in silence in the Lounge for a "Writing Day" retreat. 
Term papers, GPs, and data analyses received a long-due, disciplined treatment! 

Satisfied writers Rhoda and Claudia

With a lot of enthusiastic feedback on the experience, the Department hopes to host a more regular writing accountability group in the future.

Thanks, Claudia, for organizing!

December 20, 2024

RIP William Labov


RIP William Labov

 Here are a few of the many tribute pages to Bill, who died on Dec. 17, 2024, at the age of 97.


He influenced many of us in the Department, sometimes in ways we don't even recognize. He is already missed! to an external site. to an external site.

This tribute has one of Naomi's favourite quotes (from here), from Labov many years ago:

"We have a growing number of students who are afraid neither of people nor of mathematical symbols."

His obituary was published in the Philadelphia Inquirer:


December 6, 2024

Undergraduate Award Recipients 2023-2024

 Please join us in congratulating our Undergraduate Linguistics Award recipients! 

The Jack Chambers Award is awarded to Robin Huo.

The Henry Rogers Memorial Award is awarded to Lucy Meanwell (MA student).

The McNab Scholarship in Linguistics is awarded to Zayd Jose Diz.

The Elaine Gold Award for Undergraduate Achievement in Linguistics is awarded to Benjamin Kobina Eku Sangmuah. 

The Massam/Roberge Scholarship in Linguistics is awarded to Charlie Morocz. 

Please join us in congratulating our winners, Robin, Lucy, Zayd, Benjamin, and Charlie! Well done everyone.

December 2, 2024

Professor Naomi Nagy's Book Launch at the Canadian Language Museum

Image of books laid out on table at canadian language museum

Professor Naomi Nagy (department chair) introduced her new work, Heritage Languages: Extending Variationist Approaches, earlier this semester at the Canadian Language Museum at Glendon College. 

This book is a part of the larger Heritage Language Variation and Change in Toronto project (HLVC), and an accumulation of hard work of linguists at the UofT, and heritage language speakers across the city. 

Professor Nagy at the Book Launch

Read the publication at this link, accessible through University of Toronto libraries.

Congratulations Professor Nagy on your publication and launch! 

Canadian Language Museum
Picture credits: Craig Diegel

November 29, 2024

NWAV 52 in Miami Beach, Florida

New Ways of Analyzing Variation 52, the world's largest annual event in variationist sociolinguistics, was held in Miami Beach, Florida from November 7th to 9th, co-hosted by Florida International University and the University of Miami. 

Official poster of NWAV 52 (taken from the conference's website)

The program can be accessed here: NWAV 52 program

There was strong presence from the University of Toronto! Both current and former members of the department delivered talks, poster presentations, and project launches:

Sali A. Tagliamonte (faculty)
Clara grows up: Lifespan change from adolescence to middle-age

Xinyu Liao (PhD Student)
Asymmetries in the learnability of new dialect features across the lifespan

Atiqa Hachimi (faculty) and Gareth Smail (College of Charleston)
Stylized performance of ‘mock Berber’ in a Moroccan Stand-Up comedy talent show

Lee Jiang (PhD Student)
Resistance to singular ‘they’ in Reddit communities

Vanina Machado (PhD Alum, Spanish and Portuguese, now at California State University Channel Islands) and Chandan Narayan (York University)
Sociolinguistic dynamics in a bilingual border community: Investigating the acoustic properties of palatal liquid vocalization in Uruguayan Portuguese

Aaron Dinkin (former faculty, now at San Diego State University)
A lack of a New York State Accent: Perceptual change echoing dialect change

Miriam Neuhausen (former visiting scholar, now at Heidelberg University)
Identity work in language shift settings: Socio-spatial distance from the Old Order Mennonites

Erin Hall (PhD Alum, now at CSU San Bernardino), Lisa Ly (CSU San Bernardino), Patrick Nocon (CSU San Bernardino), David Ramos (California Baptist University), Kendra Tallchief-Stanley (CSU San Bernardino), Jonathan Robinson (CSU San Bernardino)
Using automated alignment with Spanish-influenced English data

Alexandra D’Arcy (PhD Alum, not at the University of Victoria)
What is dad’s job in language change?

Marisa Brook (PhD Alum, former faculty, now at St. Mary’s) 
Becoming a ‘Treehouser’: Identity, power, and language variation in a small online community

Here are some photos from NWAV (Thanks to Xinyu for sharing these with us!)

Xinyu giving a talk on the adoption of second dialect features

Lee giving a talk on singular they

Miami Beach

November 26, 2024

Guest speaker: Isaac L. Bleaman (UC Berkeley)

The Department of Linguistics and the Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies (CJS) hosted a guest talk by Isaac L. Bleaman (Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley) on Friday, November 22, 2024. He delivered a talk entitled, "Social dimensions of variation in Yiddish: Historical perspectives and new insights". He also gave the same talk in Yiddish at CJS two days prior. 

We extend our thanks to the Department of Linguistics Guest Speakers Committee for organizing the event: Samuel Akinbo (faculty), Emily Atkinson (faculty), Tahohtháratye Joe Brant (faculty), and Ivan Bondoc (faculty). 

The abstract of his talk is provided below:

Yiddish contributed significantly to the development of sociolinguistics and language contact, particularly through the pioneering work of Uriel Weinreich and Joshua Fishman. However, very little quantitative variationist research has been conducted on either contemporary or historical varieties of the language. In this talk, I will present my findings on the social significance of variation in New York-based communities that are committed to language maintenance in Yiddish. The results show how differences in communities' maintenance practices and ideologies (e.g., whether to prioritize language dominance; whether to standardize the language) have contributed to inter-community differences in the quantitative patterning of two variables: voice onset time and number agreement. At the end of the talk, I will preview the resources available in the Corpus of Spoken Yiddish in Europe (CSYE), which is now being developed through a National Science Foundation CAREER grant. Among other applications in research and language revitalization, the CSYE will provide the data necessary to address questions related to the social meaning of variation and the direction of language change in the pre-Holocaust period.

The talk was followed by a lively reception at the lounge.

And dinner at Her Father's Cider Bar + Kitchen! In attendance were Isaac L. Bleaman (Guest Speaker) along with Elan Dresher (faculty), Avery Ozburn (faculty), Costanza Vallicelli (PhD Student), Xinyu Liao (PhD Student), and Naomi Nagy (faculty). 

From L-R: Elan, Costanza, Naomi, Xinyu, and Issac. Thanks to Avery for taking this group photo!

November 18, 2024

Will Williams successfully defends Thesis Proposal!

On November 15, 2024, Will Williams (now PhD Candidate) presented his thesis proposal, "Presuppositions, entailments, and other inferences: The case of factive-implicatives". 

His supervisory committee consists of Guillaume Thomas (senior supervisor; faculty), Michela Ippolito (faculty), and Keir Moulton (faculty).

Congrats Will on a successful thesis proposal presentation!  

November 16, 2024

Pedro Mateo Pedro Publishes The Itza' Pedagogical Grammar

The department is pleased to congratulate Pedro Mateo Pedro (faculty) on the publication of the Itza' Pedagogical Grammar, in collaboration with the Comindad Lingüística Itza' of the Academia de las Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala.

Itza’ is an endangered language spoken in Guatemala that belongs to the Yucatecan branch of Mayan languages. 80% of the pedagogical grammar appears only in Itza’, since the aim is to strengthen the understanding and oral expression of the language. The development of the grammar is part of a larger project on the revitalization of Itza’. 

This project was a joint effort with individuals in the language community and at UofT: Jorge Francisco Mex Tesucún (Comunidad Lingüística Itza'), Ana López Sipac (Kaqchikel speaker), Aki Zhang, Sooyoun Im, David Ramsay, Jevan Konyar, and Daniela Lopez Loncar (UofT).  

This is a great step towards revitalization and documentation. Congratulations everyone! 

The book is available here: 

Itza' Pedagogical Grammar

November 8, 2024

Grad Convocation 2024

On October 28 and November 1, we celebrated the conferral of our graduate students' MA and PhD degrees. This marks the culmination of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Your achievements are a testament to your determination––we are incredibly proud of each and every one of you!

Our newly minted PhDs:

  • Angelika Kiss
  • Emilia Melara
  • Virgilio Partida Penalva
  • Maida Percival

We even had our own hooding ceremony! Angelika was hooded by her supervisor, Michela Ippolito (faculty).

Our new MAs:
  • Louis Careri
  • Laura Escobar
  • Siyi Fan
  • Fredrik Gao
  • Olanrewaju Samuel
  • Mechelle Wu
  • Aliya Zhaksybek

Kelly, Dave, Naomi, Keir, Michela, Nathan, Angelika, Pocholo, and Emily

Guillaume Thomas (Graduate Coordinator) giving a toast

Naomi Nagy (Department Chair) congratulating our grads

Thank you to everyone (colleagues, friends, and family) who celebrated with us! And once again, a huge congratulations to our grads!

October 24, 2024

Welcoming the Linguistics Dept.'s New Social Media Coordinator

    WHITL? has a new admin! 

Hi everyone, my name is Natasha Vujičić, and I’m the Linguistics Department’s Social Media Coordinator for this year. I’m beyond excited to start writing and bringing my vision for the blog to life! 

A bit about me:

I’m a third year undergraduate Linguistics specialist, with a huge passion for phonetics, phonology, Slavic languages, semantics, and heritage languages (although syntax is near and dear to my heart as well). I’ve been obsessed with language, speech, and sound since I was a child, and I treasure the fact that my passions have manifested so clearly in my studies at UofT. I love music, art, backpacking, and reading. My favourite book is The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, and my favourite bands/musicians are Pink Floyd, Yes, Fela Kuti, Nina Simone, and Kendrick Lamar. Feel free to send me music/book recommendations!

My goals for this year are as follows:

a. I want to involve student and faculty input as much as possible. I want to hear your ideas, feedback, and suggestions, because this is your blog! What’s the best way to get news communicated to you? What topics do you like getting covered on the blog? The best way to find out is to ask. I’ll be surveying students and faculty later this month for ideas, but please email me any and all of your thoughts (and fill out the survey below).

b. Visually re-work the blog and social media. I want to create a stronger identity for the department in regards to our digital presence, and I think creating a visually cohesive presence can facilitate that process!

c. More consistent posting on our Instagram and other social media. What’s the point of having a department social media if not to spread the word about department news? I want more people in the loop about events and opportunities, and posting consistently and punctually is critical. 

I’m stoked to get started on the blog and hear all of your wonderful ideas for it. That being said, I’ve set up a survey for WHITL? readers to respond to with feedback, ideas, suggestions, and anything else blog/social media-related. This form will be active throughout the year. There’s so much I want to do and only so much time, so contact me sooner rather than later! Should you want a blog post published on a noteworthy event, publication, or other news, please feel free to reach out. The same applies for our other social media – if you’d like a linguistics-related event notice posted, I’m the one to ask. Thanks for reading and I look forward to connecting with all of you! (I’ll respond quickest here)

@uoftlinguistics on Instagram, Twitter/X, and Facebook

Survey link:

October 21, 2024

Song Jiang successfully defends Thesis Proposal!


On September 27, 2024, Song Jiang (now PhD candidate) presented his thesis proposal, "Articulatory variability in the articulation and coarticulation of Mandarin rhotic vowels"

His supervisory committee consists of Alexei Kochetov (Supervisor; faculty), Peter Jurgec (faculty), and Tim Bressmann (faculty, SLP).

Congratulations Song on a successful thesis proposal presentation!

October 11, 2024

Linguistics Grad School Application Support Program for Black and Indigenous Students

The Racial Justice Committee in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Toronto is implementing a program to support students who identify as Black or Indigenous on applying to graduate school in linguistics in North America. This program is open to students applying to any graduate program in Canada/the United States, and not necessarily to the University of Toronto. 

Submissions will be accepted until December 1, 2024, but space is limited so we encourage applicants to apply early!

Students interested to participate will receive one round of feedback on their application materials, and anyone interested can fill out this form:

October 1, 2024

The Department of Linguistics celebrates the start of the 2024-25 academic year!

On Friday, September 13, 2024, UofT linguists participated in an all-day event celebrating the start of the new academic year and, more importantly, welcoming new members to the department!

The day began with breakfast in the department lounge. Folks mingled around and numerous faculty members and students showcased their research posters. 

Keir Moulton (Graduate Chair) and Naomi Nagy (Department Chair) gave their welcome remarks. Keir reminded us that we also work on Fridays: we participate in research groups and learn new things; and we catch-up with colleagues as part of community building. Naomi then introduced the new cohort of MA and PhD students as well as our post-doctoral fellows.

Outside the lounge, students and faculty teamed up to play bowling! Congratulations to Derek Denis (faculty) and Nick Haggarty (PhD student), the winning team! 

The day progressed with a series of lightning talks in various research groups and labs. We got to hear about recent and on-going work in the (H)LVC, CSoL, Syntax, Semantics, PHON, and LDDR groups. We also got to see the Phonetics Lab, Experimental Syntax-Semantics Lab, the TLC lab, and the newly renovated grad space! After lunch, we got to hear from some faculty members about their research interests and works-in-progress.

We capped off our second-annual Kick-off Day with a welcome party at The Pilot! Department members enjoyed an afternoon filled with food, drinks, and laughter. 

Thank you to everyone (especially our administrative staff) for making this day a success!

September 2, 2024

Linguistics Coffeehouse Recap!

During March of 2024, Jack Mahlmann, Claudia Raihert, and Mechelle Wu, graduate students of our department, organized a coffeehouse fundraising event. 

Raising over $1400 for Onkwawenna Kentyohkwa, Mahlmann, Raihert, and Wu wanted to bring this event to the attention of the wider UofT Linguistics community to surpass that amount next year. 

A community organization on the territory of the Six Nations of the Grand River, Onkwawenna Kentyohkwa works as a school to support the vitality of Kanien'kéha, a Mohawk language. Earlier in May, this blog covered WSCLA, at which several speakers gave presentation concerning the revitalization of this language. 

For all those interested in supporting the goal of revitalizing the Mohawk language at Grand River, feel free to visit their Donate page, or look out for more events such as these next year. 

Congratulations to this trio and all those who donated!

August 28, 2024

AI-Driven Hype in Classrooms: Navigating Ethical Issues - Presented!

During the summer of 2023, Lex Konnelly and Nathan Sanders presented on AI "hype" in classrooms to help instructors address issues bubbling to the surface as ChatGPT's range broadens with each question it is asked by some unsuspecting student. 

Addressing ethical and pedagogical considerations for AI-driven text generation in classrooms, particularly of linguistics, they presented a foray into the ever-changing landscape evolving at a rate "faster than scholars can publish work on them" (Sanders).

Though some faculty members with whom the researchers partnered focused on ways they could Chat-GPT-proof their assessments, others were interested in integrating such tools into their classwork.

Importantly, the researchers' approach is not punitive, but rather, constructive - an approach to merging of AI tools with educational models which will benefit not only morale in the classroom, but student media and technology literacy in a world rapidly going wireless.

Perhaps today's students can benefit from learning how to hack tools such as chatbots to maximize their potential for learning. 

Perhaps future integration of artificial intelligence brings with it the potential of a rapid decline or even total erasure of the capacity to learn hard skills.

Regardless, the researchers' position is that the fields of linguistics and artificial intelligence are necessarily intertwined.

Due to tools' like Chat-GPT's reliance on large language models, students of both linguistics and computer science, or even artificial intelligence engineering, have much to gain by probing the threads linking their interests to each other, potentially by exploring something like the groundbreaking focus on Computational Linguistics offered by UofT. 

Presented by Konnelly at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America in January, this work will be published soon as a proceedings paper

As Sanders and Konnelly will be the first to tell you, by the time this post goes live, this information may be obsolete. 

We at WHITL don't see this as a reason not to comment, but as an opportunity to mark our ideas on an AI-timeline quickly extending into the future, and an exciting chance to engage with all students across UofT. 

AI in the classroom poses all kinds of ethical questions for students and professors, and raises new questions every time it is used. This work gives us some interesting and thought-provoking ways of dealing with technology which passes the Turing Test daily, and (usually) with flying colours at that.

August 12, 2024

The heat is on this summer - you need SPF!

The 2024 annual Summer Phonetics - Phonology Forum (SPF) took place on August 7th, and now we know why they call it SPF!

UofT linguists, attendees and presenters alike, gathered for the reception, presentations, and lunch held at the Linguistics Lounge, pictured below.

Session 1, chaired by Professor Alexei Kochetov, saw presentations by both faculty and graduate students.

Louis Careri, Laura Griffin, Youmna Mohamed, Jemi Samuel, Avery Ozburn
Developing a model for community engagement in phonetics and phonology fieldwork
Louis Careri describes p-sided
challenges associated with fieldwork

Laura Griffin's YouTube Shorts Sample, a
language learning resource targeted towards the
younger generation of Mbembe speakers.

New approaches to stress patterns of Oneida 

Professor Yoonjung Kang chaired Session 2, seeing the following presentations:

Jessica Yeung
Where to go from here? Directionality and morphological structure in vowel harmony

Liam McFadden, Shana Rosenberg, Gianna Giovio Canavesi, Avery Ozburn
An artificial language learning experiment on rounding harmony target asymmetries

Lunch was held at Sidney Smith in the Linguistics Lounge.

Session 3, chaired by presenter and Professor Avery Ozburn, showcased two projects.

Jack Mahlmann
Can you hear the silence? Perceptual learning of plain-ejective contrast

B. Elan Dresher, namesake and founder of the prize of the same name (see Yanfei above)
Features and contrast: The universal versus the language particular 

Session 4 was chaired by Jessamyn Schertz, Professor of Language Studies at UTM.

Laura Escobar
Gender differences in f0, intonation and particle use in conversation and performative speech in Japanese

Derek Denis, Lauren Bigelow
Speech rhythm, stance, and sociolinguistic identity: Two case studies from Ontario Englishes

Session 5 was chaired by Professor Nathan Sanders, and saw the following presentations, followed by closing remarks.

Alessandro Jaker (Sisseton Wahpeton College)
How natural is tonal phonology? What happens to stress-tone interactions when tones reverse

Laura Griffin
Tonal alternations in Mwaghavul associative constructions

Closing remarks were brief! Thanks to everyone for participating and organizing!

WHITL and the Forum's organizers, Samuel Akinbo, Yoonjung Kang, Alexei Kochetov, Philip Monahan, Avery Ozburn, Nathan Sanders, and Jessamyn Schertz, have much to be proud of, and much to look forward to next year!